Main Findings - Rated: GOOD
All Saints CE First School is a good school. The headteacher has built a strong team of teachers and support staff who have created an environment where pupils learn confidently. As one parent said, ‘All Saints provides a happy environment where all pupils thrive.’ Relationships are very positive. Staff, pupils, parents and carers, and the governing body are fully involved and focused on driving through further improvement. The new hall and refurbished classrooms and outdoor environments have been carefully planned and organised to meet pupils’ varying learning needs.
The governing body is rigorous in ensuring pupils’ safety and well-being. Safeguarding arrangements are comprehensive and followed consistently by all adults. All pupils said that they feel safe in school. Behaviour is consistently good and pupils are confident that the very few minor infractions are sorted out quickly by an adult. Pupils make a good contribution to the school and village communities. For example, they valued being asked to take part in interviews for a new vicar and in creating a sensory garden at the church. Their contribution to the global community is good. Pupils raise considerable funds for worldwide charities and are waiting for a reply from a school in Kenya with which the school has set up links. (Continued within the full report)